Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the new suits, it's just that the original suits were much more iconic and stylish while the new ones lean a lot into a rather "techy" or "cyber" look. Another thing to notice about the new ones is that they're mostly dark rather than being balanced out like the original ones, with the only light parts being the sides stopping just at the thighs (which look a little weird). For Alex's case, her suit feels more orange than yellow. However, I love how the heart buckles are their main colors. Overall, I just wish these "new" Spy suits were mainly just used for particular cyber missions, or if they were traveling into a cyber world or cyber space. The classic suits even had much more variety, regardless of the situation. Guess I'll just have to hope that when another season comes, they'll obtain Spy suits with at least a rather "unified"-like design.