Malibu University (nicknamed "Mali-U") is the college that Samantha, Clover, Alexandra, Britney, Mandy, and Mindy go to after they all graduated from high school. Sam, Clover, Alex, and Mandy graduated from Beverly Hills High.
Sam, Clover and Alex were supposed to go to separate colleges, but they ended up transferring to Mali-U so they could be together. Mandy was supposed to go to a ski school in Aspen but transferred so she could be with her cousin, Mindy.
- Advanced Shoe Theory ("Pageant Problems")
- Advanced Textiles ("Solo Spies")
- Animal Grooming ("Pageant Problems")
- Astronomy ("Astro-Not")
- Dead Languages 101 ("Evil Gymnasts")
- Espionage 101, fake course ("Evil Professor")
- The instructor was Fremont. ("Evil Professor")
- Fashion Design ("Nine Lives", "The Anti-Social Network", "The Wedding Crasher")
- The instructor is Plunkett. ("The Anti-Social Network")
- History ("Astro-Not")
- Intro to Basket Weaving 101 ("Evil Roommate")
- Intro to Journalism ("Pageant Problems", "Solo Spies", "The Anti-Social Network", "WOOHP-Ahoy!")
- Journalism Basics ("Pageant Problems", "Solo Spies", "The Anti-Social Network", "WOOHP-Ahoy!")
- Paleontology ("Evil Hotel")
- Philosophy 101 ("Evil Hotel")
- Physical Education ("Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- The instructor is Professor Smith. ("Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- Political Science ("Return of Geraldine")
- Quantum Macro Physics ("Evil Roommate", "Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- The instructor is Professor Rogue. ("Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- Snooping 101 ("The Anti-Social Network")
- Sunrise 101 ("Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- The instructor is Doctor Kendall. ("Evil Sushi Chef (Jazz Hands Return - Part 1)")
- Surfology 101 ("Evil Roommate")
- Theater 101 ("The Show Must Go On... Or Else")
- The instructor was Milton Bard. ("The Show Must Go On... Or Else")
- DEBS (Delta Epsilon Beta Sigma) (ΔΕΒΣ) ("Evil Sorority")
- Gamma Alpha Gamma (ΓΑΓ) ("Evil Sorority")
- Phi Epsilon Phi (ΦΕΦ), fake sorority ("Evil Sorority")
- Sigma Alpha Sigma (ΣΑΣ) ("Evil Sorority")
- Campus Art Enthusiasts ("Evil Sorority")
- Foreign Language ("Evil Sorority")
- Kooky Coeds of Comedy ("Evil Sorority")
- Library Study Picnic ("Totally Mystery Much?")
- Mali-U Matheletes ("Evil Sorority")
- Math Club Dance ("Totally Mystery Much?")
- Polar Bear Club ("Evil Ice Skater")
- School Paper ("Evil Sorority")
- Skywriting Poets Society ("Evil Sorority")
- Spring Fling Dance ("Trent Goes Wild")
- Students for Studying ("Evil Sorority")
- Student Union ("Trent Goes Wild")
- Volunteer Campus Patrol ("Totally Icky!")
- Yoga-lates ("Zero to Hero")
- Beach Sport Mega Tournament ("Evil Mascot")
- Beach Badminton ("Evil Mascot")
- Extreme Sandcastling ("Evil Mascot")
- Freestyle Surfing ("Evil Mascot")
- The captain is Rick Kegan. ("Evil Mascot")
- Beach Volleyball ("The Granny, "Another Evil Boyfriend", "Return of Geraldine")
- The captain is Blaine. ("The Granny")
- Bowling Team ("WOOHP-Ahoy!")
- Football Team ("Virtual Stranger")
- Originally a mermaid. ("Evil Mascot")
- Changed to a can of dolphin-safe tuna. ("Evil Mascot")
- Beach (”Evil Roommate”, ”Evil Mascot”, ”Super Sweet Cupcake Company”, ”WOOHPersize Me!”, ”Frankenpanda”)
- Boutique Mall (”Evil Roommate”)
- Campus water fountain ("Evil Ice Skater”)
- Dormitory (”Totally Icky!”)
- Gym (”Super Sweet Cupcake Company”)
- Holding Cell (”Totally Icky!”)
- Library ("Astro-Not”, ”Vide-o-no!”)
- Mali-U Cafe (”Evil Roommate”
- Mali-U Shoe (”Evil Sorority”)
- Penthouse (”Evil Professor”)
- Quad ("Nine Lives”)
- Spa ("Super Sweet Cupcake Company”)
- Sports complex (”Evil Roommate”)
- Theater (”The Show Must Go On... Or Else”)
- Veterinary Studies Building (”Nine Lives")
- Water Tower (”Nine Lives”)
- West Coast Hall (”Evil Roommate”, ”Solo Spies”, ”Virtual Stranger”)
- The library has computer terminals built in to its tables. ("Astro-Not")
- Dean of Students
- Franklin ("Evil Mascot", "Evil Professor")
- Warden ("Vide-o-no!")
The dorm is where Sam, Clover, Alex and the other students live, and is featured in "Virtual Stranger".
On the ground-level floor, the hallway is painted in pink. The floor is not covered with carpet. Instead, the floor is covered in a shiny easy-to-wash material. The doors are half pink, half lime green. There is a bulletin board on the wall to post the news. On the higher floor, there is an elevator. The walls outside the hallway are painted hot pink. There are picture frames hanging on the walls. The doors are dark green. Also on the hallway, different from the ground-level floor, the floor is covered with blue carpet. There is a laundry room.