The Sonic Disintegrator Boombox is a Gadget that creates a powerful shock wave. One variant is a pink, heart shaped stereo. When it appeared in Season 3, it was colored purple and had the appearance of a regular boombox.
- It is interesting to note that the design of the Boombox variant is very similar to one of the villain's gadgets seen in "Queen for a Day", the "Highly Sensitive Earthquake Generator". It is possible that the gadget was inspired by it as it has a similar function as well, only a lot less lethal, and appeared a few seasons later.
- Boombox ("Evil Sorority", "Freaky Circus Much?", "Planet of the Hunks", "Spies on the Farm", "Totally Busted")
- Mini ("Trent Goes Wild")
- Stereo ("Silicon Valley Girls")