totally spies the movie
ok so in the movie sam clover and alex meet but i think jerry was a bit harsh on that sushi test he had set up. all mandy wants in the movie is boys attention more boys boys and boys is mandy always like this ???? mrs scritch is a bit creepy to be honest with you but if i was in the movie i would teech her a lesson like no other at least mindy is not in thi
s we get to have a rest of her annoying voice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my favourite spy
my favourite spy is clover cause she has a good sense of fashion sense and she is a diva just like me i think we have so much in common
if anyone knew that mindy was mandy's cousin you are a way bigger totally spies fan than i am i have seen all the episodes and my favourite one was woohpersize me ! and my favourite character and baddie was clover and tim scam anyway back to mindy she has a totally annoying voice like a cowgirl voice or something it's actually hard to belive that their cousin's it's not like mandy has actually been nice to the girls would it kill her just to be nice once in a while ???????????
Dum boys
most of the men clover has met are dum people but imagine if clover got a cute hunkey sensitive boyfriend well picture the scene .
slow dates
ok so i know clover can be a bit of a diva and she's mandy's rival you can't disapoint especially in front of cute boys like dean or tony egal and let's not forget about blain.sometimes clover's fantasiys can get a bit wierd like a mega mani mania i mean how can you just lasoo nails and bring them back to you i mean like it's just crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!